
8 hours of group lessons – Advanced

This is a series of 8 one-hour-long group lessons, aimed at up to 6 (six) players rated between 1700 to 2000 on Lichess.

If you are rated a bit below, or a bit above, you can consider joining, but we do not want a wide range of players, because the goal is to make sure the material is accessible enough, yet hard enough for everyone!

We will devote each class to a middlegame theme – bishop pair, center, pawn structure, prophylaxis, etc. Everyone will be asked to solve positions, suggest their ideas, and explain their thought process.

The classes will take place via Zoom, and every participant will get recordings of each of them, too, as well as PGN files of everything we discuss. If you skip classes, you will still get a recording and the PGN file.

My suggestion is to have this class on Saturdays at 9 AM Standard US Time (Chicago time zone) to make it accessible for everyone. However, if the group universally suggests another time that works for everyone, we can switch!

This series of lessons will be held from Saturday, Jan 4, 2025 to Saturday, Feb 22, 2025.

The classes will take place if at least 4 students sign up.

Once you book, please fill out the contact form describing your background, so I can learn as much as possible about all students. You will shortly receive a Zoom link and I will reach out to finalize scheduling, etc.


Availability: 6 in stock

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